Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Stairway to Heaven

On this day in 1971, Led Zeppelin released Led Zeppelin IV which till date is America's third-best selling album ever. It included Stairway to Heaven, 'the widely-considered best rock song ever recorded.'

Jimmy Page, the founder of the band, in recognition of the legacy the song created, said "the wonderful thing about "Stairway" is the fact that just about everybody has got their own individual interpretation to it, and actually what it meant to them at their point of life. And that's what's so great about it. Over the passage of years people come to me with all manner of stories about what it meant to them at certain points of their lives. About how it's got them through some really tragic circumstances ... Because it's an extremely positive song, it's such a positive energy, and, you know, people have got married to [the song]."

Stairway to Heaven is an iconic tribute to music in the true sense. It is a timeless epic and the result of creative excellence that remains unmatched and probably will continue to be so for all time to come.

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